Good day Flags Over Waynesville customers!
Thank you for your patriotic support of Flags Over Waynesville!
It’s time to renew your subscription for 2020!
To renew, please visit our website, FlagsOverWaynesville.com
The cost is $35 for BSA Troop 51 to fly the American flag on 5 holidays.
Flags will be posted/presented on and around the following holidays:
- Memorial Day – May 25th
- Flag Day – June 14th
- Independence Day – July 4th
- Labor Day – September 7th
- Veteran’s Day – November 11th
In case of inclement weather, flags will be posted for Patriot Day, September 11th
If you prefer to renew via mail, please send a check for $35 to:
BSA Troop 51
PO Box 963
Waynesville, OH 45068-0963
Also, we have updated our website to include auto-renewing annual subscriptions.